The WZ Level II Practical Application Workshop is available to anyone who has completed the Level I Investigative Interviewing Techniques training course. Tackle a real-world case and bridge the gap between theory and practice to further enhance your investigative expertise. Analyze a real-world misconduct case, plan and conduct a challenging interview, and learn how to craft impactful introductory statements and assessment questions.
Training Date

Thursday 20th March 2025

09.00hrs – 17.30hrs (GMT)


Whittlebury Hall & Spa

Whittlebury Park

Towcester, Northamptonshire

Registration Fees

£445.00+VAT per person

How to Register

Download, complete, and return the registration form to

Download Form
WZ EU is recognized as the preferred interviewing technique in Europe for investigative interviewing professionals, including Loss Prevention and Human Resource professionals.

WZ’s partnerships in the European region have led to over 140 of the top companies in Europe and the UK now employing #WZTrained interviewers.

WZ’s international training options also benefit organizations that operate in multiple regions by providing interview instruction that is both consistent across the company and specially tailored to the unique needs of the individual cultures.

Contact Chris about your training needs in the APAC region

Chris Norris, CFI
Director of International Training

Christopher P. Norris, CFI® – Director, WZ Europe and International Training, in addition to Webinar Director, is a speaker for Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. (WZ). Chris has over 30 years of experience in the loss prevention and investigative fields, including living and working in the UK for nearly two years. He has trained thousands of human resource, audit, loss prevention, security and law enforcement professionals on the art of interview and interrogation and has conducted numerous investigations for both private companies and public agencies.

WZ’s unique Non-Confrontational Interview method and interactive training approach assimilates easily with most cultures and legal systems. As a result of the success of our interview methods and training, WZ has conducted interview training seminars for private sector investigators, human resource professionals, police officers, military personnel and anyone seeking the truth throughout Europe, Asia, the Americas (North, Central, South), Africa and Australia.