The Certified Forensic Interview (CFI) program was created by the International Association of Interviewers (IAI) to raise the level of professionalism of every individual and organization involved in the interviewing field. The Certified Forensic Interviewer examination was developed by more than 40 leading professionals, including interview experts, law enforcement and corporate representatives. Each member of the development team used their expertise to make sure the CFI examination addressed the core skill sets identified during extensive surveying of public and private sector interviewers and interrogators.
The objective of this certification program is to create comprehensive, universally accepted professional standards combined with an objective measure of an interviewer’s knowledge of those standards. The ultimate goal is that every person and every organization with a stake in interviewing will benefit from the program, as will the reputation and effectiveness of the entire profession.
Founded by the developers of the Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) designation, the International Association of Interviewers takes the skills and insights of the professional interviewer to a whole new level by providing a wide range of essential members-only offerings previously only available for CFIs. This is a great way to become part of a group that is focused on Interviewing if you don’t yet qualify to become a CFI.
Knowledge is power. That is why the time is right to join IAI – the only association focused on the unique needs of Interviewers and Investigators.