WZ Commits to Evidence-Based Training

AURORA, IL, USA, February 17, 2022 / — Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates (WZ) is proud to announce its focused strategy on the commitment to provide evidence-based curriculum at a high-quality of professional standards to investigators across the globe. In the last several years, WZ has become an advocate for modern, non-confrontational interviewing techniques and assisted in the eradication of coercive and antiquated methodologies. Recent examples of academic and practitioner collaboration, including the United Nation’s release of the Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations and Information Gathering have further inspired this progressive movement towards the evolution of interview or “interrogation” techniques.

WZ recognizes that the opportunity to train and mentor, in any profession, comes with great responsibility to execute at the highest of standards. The organization is committed to this expectation through a multitude of approaches which promise to deliver high-quality training to its clients. The commitment to these standards will be built in a three-prong approach focused on curriculum development, adult learning principles and instructor standards.

Read the full press release here