Gathering truthful information in the interview room comes down to your skills and strategy, and that information will be used to protect your organization, assets, and the people who depend on you. For over 40 years, Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc has been providing loss prevention investigators, auditors, operations managers, educators, fraud investigators, and more with morally, legally, and ethically acceptable methods for obtaining the truth in the workplace. Take advantage of WZ’s training programs to give you the edge you need to LEVEL UP your investigative skills.
From our Level I Investigative Interview Methods to the redesigned Level II Practical Advanced Workshop, we provide you with effective, innovative, evidence-based tools to identify the truth.
The Level I WZ Seminar on Investigative Interviewing Techniques presents attendees with a broad range of research-based methods and proprietary tools for conducting more effective interviews and investigations, resulting in identifying the truth more efficiently and with less resistance. WZ’s unique non-confrontational communication techniques eliminate conflict between interviewers and their subjects while demonstrating how to reduce resistance and de-escalate difficult conversations. Learn how to conduct interviews that lead to obtaining actionable intelligence without destroying the morale of the interviewee, and discover the importance of rapport in investigative interviews.
Instruction includes a comprehensive overview of a variety of non-confrontational interview techniques to obtain actionable information from witnesses, suspects, and victims. The student will learn to project empathy, manage resistance, and assess credibility. Videos of actual interviews will be presented, analyzed, and discussed.
- Elements of an Investigative Interview
- Choosing an Interview Approach
- The Importance of Rapport and How to Establish It
- How to Prevent False Confessions
- The Right Way to Think About Behavior Cues
- Establishing Credibility
- The Importance of Showing Empathy
- Understanding and Handling Resistance
- Developing Details
- Obtaining the Written or Recorded Statement
- Legal Considerations
Wicklander-Zulawski’s interview tools are useful for any professional who relies on gaining truthful information.
As a world leader in interview methodology, WZ is committed to providing investigation tools that gain truthful, actionable results.
All Wicklander-Zulawski seminars present multiple interview techniques that have been proven successful in the field and that are backed by academic research to provide attendees with practical, research-based tools to tackle any investigation. The multiple strategies taught offer the seminar participant a wide flexibility of approaches permitting them to alter strategies depending on the level of evidence, subject considerations, and type of interview. WZ training aims to identify the truth and obtain reliable information through ethical, moral, and legally acceptable techniques. Our non-confrontational methodologies are structured, conversational approaches that eliminate the conflict between interviewer and subject.
WZ conducts over 500 standard and customized training seminars each year. Over 200,000 investigators have been trained by WZ in multiple methods of interview strategy, offering the seminar participant with a wide flexibility of approaches, permitting them to alter strategies depending on the level of evidence, subject considerations, and type of interview. As a world leader in non-confrontational interview practices, WZ continues to stay current and forward-thinking, building relationships with private, public, and academic partners to further evolve the educational offerings provided to our clients.

For the interviewer, attending the WZ seminar is an investment in your success and the safety of your community. You will receive the skills you need to gain the trust and cooperation of subjects, get better results through developing information, and close cases ethically and confidently. You will be at the forefront of the evolution of investigative interviewing as the field turns towards evidence-based methods and professional standards. And most importantly, you will be using your skills to find positive outcomes for the people who depend on you.
The non-confrontational conversation skills used by WZ-trained investigators are trusted by many of the world’s most successful organizations in a variety of fields. For the manager or director, sending your team to a WZ seminar is an investment in protecting your assets. In cases of theft or fraud, the WZ methodology often leads to greater returns and uncovers previously unknown structural or policy exploits so they can be fixed to avoid future losses.
To build an even stronger organization, consider a customizable onsite seminar!

We know your time is valuable, and that fitting training into your schedule isn’t always easy. So WZ has a variety of options for you to take advantage of. You can contract an onsite-training for your department, attend an open-registration or co-sponsored course, or even take advantage of our convenient virtual classroom for remote learning.
Investigations require adaptability and the WZ course provides interviewers with multiple approaches and flexibility for the types of conversations they are tasked with. These non-confrontational approaches rely on the development of rapport and the strategic use of evidence creating a more positive interaction with interviewees
Research has shown that one of the best ways to learn is to do. Our philosophy for retention is three-pronged: teach, watch, execute. We build enough time into this training program to ensure we cover strategies in detail, demonstrate them through real case videos conducted by WZ investigators, and then guide attendees in the practice and application of those techniques.
Not necessarily. The concept of universal body language indicating deception is, unfortunately, a bit of an old wive’s tale. Guilt, anxiety, shame, fear of disbelief could all be triggers for the same behavior. What you will learn is how to recognize changes to a subject’s baseline behavior that may indicate sources of tension, and the best ways to explore those topics and determine their importance.
The FlexPlan allows you to transfer your paid registration(s) to another in-person or virtual training course of your choice, completely free of charge. FlexPlan was created to provide you with alternative options should an in-person training program be canceled due to COVID-19 or other related government action. If you cannot attend, delegate substitutions are permitted at any time up to and including the first day of the seminar.

When your organization has assets and people to protect, the truth matters. Building teams focused on getting honest, detailed answers through rapport-based interviews is an investment that guarantees success for years to come. Remove resistance, avoid false confessions, and commit to becoming a more efficient and effective investigator by registering yourself or your team today!