Burke Ramsey: A Lesson in Behavior Interpretation
If you have turned on your TV in the last couple of weeks or logged...
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Debating Body Language
If you are like me, it is getting more and more difficult to watch anything...
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Take 2: Lessons Learned in the Interview Room
We’re human and we all make mistakes.  It’s inevitable.  At some point in your investigative...
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Go Behind the Scenes with WZ: Assigning the Best Interviewer
A large source of Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) training material and ongoing research comes from our very...
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Know When to Hold’em or Fold’em Poker: Through the Eyes of an Interrogator
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!  Spotting and properly interpreting “tells” at the poker...
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5 Characteristics of a Professional Interviewer
What do you do for a living? A question we have all received, but probably...
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