Trauma-Informed Interviewing

Violence. Abuse. Catastrophic loss. Investigators in every field often find themselves conducting interviews with subjects who have encountered traumatic events. In these situations, a change in interview approach makes all the difference. That’s why WZ has developed our Trauma-Informed Interviewing Seminar.

For those interviewing traumatized individuals, understanding the neurobiology of trauma is key to creating an environment that encourages recollection while minimizing re-traumatization. Knowledgeable interviewers use techniques that ensure traumatized individuals feel comfortable and secure when recounting their stories. Through proper understanding of how traumatic experiences impact memory recall, interviewers can gain insight into which strategies and questions work best to uncover valuable, actionable information.

Learn more about Trauma-Informed Interviewing with the resources below
Blog Article
When ``Just The Facts`` Doesn't Work

Trauma often causes a loss of control and power for the trauma survivor, so interviews should focus on empowering the interviewee.  Interviewers should be empathetic, and above all, patient.

Blog Article
Building a Culture of Support

There is a compelling business case to be made for conducting quality workplace investigations in a trauma-informed manner and building a supportive culture. Primarily, it is just the right thing to do.

Free Webinar
After the Swindle

In this conversation with Cecilie from The Tinder Swindler, she shares her story with Dave Thompson, CFI about the way she was treated in various interview settings and how it feels to relive a traumatic event.

Register for the Trauma-Informed Interviewing Seminar

Disclaimer: In an effort to demonstrate the importance of trauma-informed interviewing and the impact of traumatic experiences, there will be discussions and examples of real-life situations. Class materials, including video examples of traumatized people sharing their experiences, may be sensitive in nature and could be triggering for some individuals.