WZ’s webinar series present intensive, interactive workshop experiences on some of our most-requested topics and the issues that are most important to professional interviewers.

Like all WZ programs, our webinars can be hosted by organizations as in-house training, and customized to best fit your team members’ unique concerns and company culture.

Webinars can be stacked into a customized sequence that builds and supercharges your teams’ learning. Contact Chris Norris, CFI today about creating a unique webinar series.

Remote Interviews
In today's environment, investigators and human resource professionals find themselves conducting interviews by phone or video conferencing more frequently.In today’s environment, investigators and human resource professionals find themselves conducting interviews by phone or video conferencing more frequently. A properly executed remote interview can increase productivity while respecting social distancing guidelines. Modeled from the highly successful Tackling Telephone Interviewing, the WZ Remote Interviews Webinar covers interviews conduct via telephone or video conferencing.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Remote Interviewing Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Managing Conflict Through De-Escalation Tactics
The non-confrontational methodology of WZ training has expanded into the difficult and high-pressure setting of conflict resolution and de-escalation.The non-confrontational methodology of WZ training has expanded into the difficult and high-pressure setting of conflict resolution and de-escalation. Today’s retail associate, law enforcement officer, loss prevention professional, or employee relations expert has often dealt with a disruptive guest, disgruntled employee, or a hostile subject. This webinar provides an introductory exploration of a sound approach to conflict resolution and de-escalation. Topics include “The Anatomy of Anger,” “Top Ten De-escalation Tips,” and “Managing Difficult Conversations.”
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours: General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Managing Conflict Through De-Escalation Tactics Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

The Process and Benefits of Building Rapport
Rapport is recognized as one of the most critical variables to ensuring a successful interview.Rapport is recognized as one of the most critical variables to ensuring a successful interview. But what exactly does it mean and how does it translate into the interview experience? In this webinar, we will walk through the conventional definition of rapport, explain its direct connection to the interview and discuss ways to strategically leverage its impact to ensure a non-confrontational, truthful interaction between the subject and the interviewer.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours: General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: The Process and Benefits of Building Rapport Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Lessons Learned from False Confessions
Obtaining a false confession would be detrimental to any organization or agency.Obtaining a false confession would be detrimental to any organization or agency. In this webinar will help you understand what experts in the field look and listen for during interviews that could trigger untruthful responses. Additionally, we will discuss the causes and concerns that could lead someone down the path to admitting to something they did not do. Learn how to mitigate risk and recognize the three different types of false confessions and the how to avoid the various tactics that could lead a suspect to falsely confess.

The Cognitive Interview: Getting the Real Story
Even the most willing interview subject can run into a mental block.Even the most willing interview subject can run into a mental block. The cognitive interview method provides a structured, strategic approach for extracting more information from a subject while identifying potential concerns within a story or alibi; the more details you obtain, the more accurate you become in determining the legitimacy of the information. This webinar will provide an overview of this structure, helping to overcome biases as well as address active listening, question formulation, and proper questioning techniques during advanced interviewing phases of the cognitive interview.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours: General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: The Cognitive Interview: Getting the Real Story Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Handling Difficult Conversations
There are many uncomfortable, high-stress conversations that managers often try to avoid.There are many uncomfortable, high-stress conversations that managers often try to avoid: performance appraisals, disagreement mediation, counseling and coaching sessions, and the like. Removing discomfort from these situations creates an open dialogue between yourself and your associates that can lead to more positive outcomes for all parties. This webinar combines various interview strategies into a structure for confidently approaching difficult conversations and resolving operational concerns.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Handling Difficult Conversations Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Empathy Impact
Empathy sets the foundation for a more insightful, respectful, and productive interaction between interviewer and subject.Showing understanding and empathy is often identified as the most difficult part of any interview. Showing empathy during the interview process can further develop rapport and show respect for the subject, regardless of their prior acts. This can be accomplished through a series of empathy statements, while also demonstrating honesty and transparency by the interviewer. This webinar provides insight into the empathy reward and what an interviewer can accomplish with a sound strategic approach to understanding without justifying one’s actions or suggesting leniency from consequences.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Empathy Reward (formerly Building Better Rationalizations) Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Developing Details Beyond the Investigation
Many investigators struggle with exploring the “what else” and “who else” after obtaining an admission.Many investigators struggle with exploring the “what else” and “who else” after obtaining an admission. These additional details can be crucial to expanding the scope of an investigation in difficult cases. This webinar provides practical tips on this process: jogging subject memories, noticing indicators of hidden information, listening critically, and formulating questions and statement empathy that can obtain more accurate information from your subject.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Developing Thorough Admissions Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Interview and Identify Better Candidates
Hiring the wrong employee can be a costly mistake for your business, leading to reduced productivity, morale issues, and wasted resources.Hiring the wrong employee can be a costly mistake for your business, leading to reduced productivity, morale issues, and wasted resources. This is why conducting effective pre-employment interviews can be critical to your success. Topics discussed in this webinar include: understanding the limitations of interpreting physical and verbal behavior, identifying areas of concern and exploration, and productive questioning techniques to dig beyond prepared answers.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Interview & Identify Better Candidates Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Obtaining a Solid Statement
Even the best interviewers can encounter difficulties when it comes time to take the written statement.Even the best interviewers can encounter difficulties when it comes time to take the written statement. It is important to understand what elements of the admission should be included in the statement and how to structure the written account. This webinar will focus on addressing common problems in this crucial aspect of any investigative interview, including how to inform your subject on why they would want to write a statement.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Obtaining Complete Written Statements Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

Power Report Writing
The completion of a thorough report is critical for documenting the investigative process.In many cases, an investigator’s final written report will be the primary basis for any decisions made by a company or prosecutor when deciding the disposition of a case. The report may support an investigator through any formal proceeding following an interview. This webinar will review the perils of poor report writing and discuss the top 10 power writing tips. These tips will help add clarity to the final report and reflect a higher level of thoroughness and professionalism to any investigation.
HRCI Approved Recertification Credit Hours Awarded: 1.00 Specified Credit Hours:General
SHRM Preferred Provider Program: Title: Report Writing Professional Development Credits (PDCs): 1

O.R.C. Interviews
Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is a growing problem for the retail loss prevention associate.Proper questioning techniques can help these professionals determine if a shoplifting incident is a crime of opportunity or if the subject may be connected to an organized theft ring. This webinar will focus on developing information from a shoplifter through quick and effective interviews, and noticing physical signs of ORC.

Listening to Understand
Active listening is not just a skill, but a crucial element for conducting an effective interview.Every investigator can easily fall into the trap of listening to respond rather than listening to understand. It’s often far too easy to insert unconscious bias or be thinking through your next question. In this session, we discuss active listening skills and recognizing verifiable information, inconsistencies in statements and focus on enhanced listening skills necessary to every investigator. Listening to understand will help to re-explore timelines and ask appropriate follow-up questions and add clarity to statements obtained during the interview process.

Understanding the PEACE Model
What is the P.E.A.C.E. model and how can you put its principles to use in your interviews?Born from police reform in the United Kingdom 40 years ago, the P.E.A.C.E. Model provides a foundation for structure during any investigative interview. In this webinar we will breakdown the components of the P.E.A.C.E. Model and review the importance of this framework for the modern investigator when applying non-confrontational interview strategies. Whether you are seeking accurate disclosure from a victim, witness or suspect the framework that is the P.E.A.C.E. Model will help even the most experienced investigator consider their approach from all angles.
How it Works:
Each participant will be connected via a high speed internet connection to the presenter’s computer where they will be able to view the entire presentation.
In addition, each participant will listen to the live presentation by calling a conference number. In order to maximize the benefit of the Webinar, each session is limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) participants.
The fee for each WZ Webinar is $129/person.
Payment via Visa, MasterCard or American Express is required at the time of registration.
I wanted to reach out and thank you for an outstanding webinar yesterday. You did a great job presenting the material and I took a lot away from the presentation. It’s amazing how much information and tactics get shuffled out of our repertoires over time! It will be very helpful for getting back to basics and I am eager to implement some of the strategies you suggested.