Identify the Truth

WZ No Longer Teaches Confrontational Methods

Our focus is on providing investigators with methods that are aimed at identifying the truth and obtaining reliable information through ethical, moral and legally acceptable techniques. This focus has been supported by multiple non-confrontational methods taught to our attendees for the past 35 years. The high risk of false confessions, the potential for incorrect or unreliable information, and ultimately the misapplication of confrontational techniques are all reasons why WZ has chosen to no longer offer the confrontational approach in its course selections.

Non-Confrontational is Better Interviewing

Beginning a conversation with a confrontation almost always results in an emotional denial by the subject. From a guilty subject the denial is a lie, and from an innocent subject the denial stems from fear of being disbelieved. Either way, the conversation has begun with emotional pressure on the subject resulting in an adversarial relationship with the interviewer. A more effective way to identify the truth is through a variety of non-confrontational techniques that allow the conversation to remain cordial without pushing the subject into an emotional or defensive state.

Dedication to the Truth, Not Confessions

The goal of any interviewer should be to identify the truth. Unfortunately, investigators have sometimes felt pressure to obtain a confession or may have biases based on the investigation that direct their focus on the wrong subject. Our mission at WZ is to provide investigators with a variety of tools to obtain truthful, reliable information as a part of their investigation. WZ is also dedicating time during training to discuss precautions for investigators to take in an effort to prevent false confessions and ultimately substantiate any admissions made by the subject.