WZ Articles

Purposeful Questioning
Human beings have limited mental resources, and only one information source (the question) can be fully attended to at any single time. The interviewer should be strategic in his or her method and order of questioning.
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Hidden Strength: Why Interviewers Shouldn’t Always Reveal Evidence
Traditional training and commonly accepted practices have compelled interviewers to expose their evidence early on in the interview. It makes sense, right? You have something on someone, show them what you have. Right? Well, it depends.
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The Interview Evolution
History is fascinating. It has a way of enlightening our understanding of the now, while at the same time, giving us motivation and hope for what can transpire tomorrow. Having a historical perspective in and of itself won’t allow for positive change to manifest. It takes knowledge, along with a...
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What Interviewers Can Learn from Stephen Amell
This week, a podcast interview with actor Stephen Amell has made the news for featuring an on-air panic attack by the actor. Amell, who has been forthcoming in previous interviews about his history with anxiety disorders, was doing press for the final season of his star-making television program Arrow when...
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Successful Interviews
Successful interviews are often conducted by officers who are sincere, respectful, and go out of their way to put a witness at ease. Recognizing and overcoming common fears is paramount.
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Am I Qualified to Mentor? Only Time Will Tell
I’m confident we all know true mentors are not self-proclaimed; they’re developed by other genuine mentors who learned from individuals whom they, too, looked up to in generations past, and the cycle continues.
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She Was Doing WHAT?!?
Social media is a treasure trove of personal, often relevant information at the disposal of any investigator willing to take the time to discover it. When preparing for an interview, no matter the nature of the offense, the investigator should plan to obtain background information on the subject.
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Recipe for Success
We DO have completely different jobs, but I recently realized maybe our passions aren’t as foreign to one another as we’ve always thought.
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“Don’t Try This At Home!”
At some point during every seminar, I tell our attendees, “Do NOT use these techniques at home!” Of course, then I flip it around and say, “Unless your kid is dating someone you want to know more about.” I wonder if that makes me a hypocrite?
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And We Wonder Why Victims Don’t Report Sooner
Here we go again.  A report of rape and sexual assault where everyone, including NFL reporters, suddenly becomes an expert on how victims should react after a rape.  Unless you’ve shut yourself off from all news outlets, you are well aware of the federal lawsuit filed in the U.S. District of...
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