Police Interviewing

effects of trauma on first responders
The Effects of Trauma on First Responders
Trauma can manifest in diverse forms, encompassing major events as well as the ongoing exposure...
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but how are you with paper? the importance of documentation, by tom mcgreal cfi and bryan barlow cfi
The Importance of Documentation
The ability to effectively document investigative actions is a skill that must not be overlooked....
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Conviction Review Unit Report: Key Takeaways
The findings of this report are not uncommon, nor a surprise to anyone who has...
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Opioid Investigations – A Collaborative Approach
Opioids continue to wreak havoc on our communities and impacting families across the country. Law...
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Purposeful Questioning
Human beings have limited mental resources, and only one information source (the question) can be...
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Successful Interviews
Successful interviews are often conducted by officers who are sincere, respectful, and go out of...
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She Was Doing WHAT?!?
Social media is a treasure trove of personal, often relevant information at the disposal of...
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So Many Cases, So Little Time
Investigators often carry heavy caseloads and have minimal time to conduct extensive interviews. Pressures to...
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Female Interviewers v. Male Interviewers: Is There an Advantage?
In the past, men and women have been viewed in traditional roles. Currently, these roles...
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Law Enforcement is a Profession, Change is Constant, and People Fear Change
In January of 1977 this author reported to the Chicago Police Academy as a recruit...
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